How to Care for a Rare Beautiful Betta Fish Tank?


If you are a fish lover, then you know how delightful and relaxing it is to watch fish swim gracefully in an aquarium tank. Keeping a fish as a pet at home is not only fun but also helps reduce stress and anxiety. If you own a betta fish tank and are wondering how to keep your beautiful beta fish care, happy and healthy? Here we share some helpful tips on how to care for a rare beautiful Betta Fish tank.


What to Know Before You Care for a Betta Fish Tank

Betta fish are freshwater tropical fish that are popular as indoor aquarium fish. They can live in a Betta tank with or without other fish. They are relatively easy to care for, given the right conditions.

– You must know the right water temperature for Betta fish as they can’t survive in water that is either too hot or too cold.

– Betta fish are labyrinth fish, which means that they can breathe air from the surface of the water. They will often swim at the surface and must be kept in a tank that is at least 2 inches deep. A bowl will be too shallow for a Betta fish, as they will have difficulty getting enough oxygen from the water.

– Betta fish prefer soft, warm, and humid water that’s around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. They should not be kept in water that is too cold (68 degrees Fahrenheit) or too hot (83 degrees Fahrenheit). Extreme temperatures can cause Betta fish to become ill and even die.


Feeding Your Betta Fish

Betta fish are carnivores and enjoy eating all kinds of fresh and frozen food such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, flake food, pellets, and freeze-dried brine shrimp. Always ensure that the food is fresh and does not smell fishy because a Betta fish will not eat food that has turned bad. You can choose a commercial betta food brand or you can make homemade food for your Betta fish.

Commercial food – There are a variety of commercial betta food brands available in pet stores and online. You can choose a commercial food brand according to your Betta fish’s life stage and needs.

Homemade food – Homemade betta food is made with low-protein pellets, freeze-dried brine shrimp, and some vitamins and minerals. Mix all the ingredients in a blender until they form a fine powder. You can store the homemade food in an airtight jar or container in a cool place.


Cleaning and Changing the Water

Cleaning and changing the water in a Betta fish tank once every two weeks is recommended. If you notice that the water in the tank is dirty or cloudy, clean the tank more often. Use a gravel cleaner to clean the gravel in the tank. You can also clean the gravel by pouring hot water into the tank and letting it sit for 15 minutes before draining the water out. You can use a water conditioner to treat the water before you add it to the tank. 

Follow the instructions on the bottle to add the water conditioner to the water. Change the water completely once a month or once every two weeks depending on how often you clean the tank. Make sure to thoroughly clean the tank before adding new water.


Decorations in the Tank

Betta fish are very territorial creatures, and they like to have their own space. While they can live in a Betta tank with or without other fish, keeping other fish in the same tank with a Betta fish is not recommended because they might try to fight with the other fish. Betta fish prefer to swim in a place where they can feel safe, so you can use decorations such as plants, rocks, aquarium plants, and aquarium backgrounds to create a safe space for your Betta fish. 

Do not keep decorations made of wood because they can release harmful chemicals that can negatively affect your Betta fish. You can also use a Betta bowl to keep your Betta fish. Betta bowls are typically shallow containers without a lid to keep Betta fish from jumping out of the water.


The Importance of Light for your Betta

Betta fish come from Thailand and other tropical countries, so they need warm, humid conditions. Betta fish are not tropical fish; they are subtropical fish. That means their water temperature must stay between 68 and 83 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures below or above that range can cause your Betta fish to become ill and die. That’s why keeping a Betta fish indoors is much better than keeping them outside in a pond. 

You can provide warmth to your Betta bowl or tank with a light source such as a lamp or light bulb. Before buying a light for your Betta tank, make sure that it emits an orange light that’s similar to the sun. You can also hang a lamp above your Betta tank or place a lamp or light bulb inside a Betta bowl to keep your Betta fish happy and healthy.


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