missile strike adds to Ukraine war fears in Poland


PRZEWODOW, Poland (AP) — Since the attack of Ukraine over eight months prior, Poland has supported the adjoining nation and a large number of its exiles — both to facilitate their misery and to help guard against the conflict spilling into the remainder of Europe.

However, a rocket strike that killed two men Tuesday in a Clean town near the Ukrainian boundary brought the contention home and added to the long-smothered feeling of weakness in a nation where the desolates of The Second Great War are very much recollected.

“What I fear most in life is war. I would rather not at any point experience that,” said Anna Grabinska, a Warsaw lady who has stretched out help to a Ukrainian mother of two little kids.

One of the men killed in Przewodow was effectively helping exiles from Ukraine who had tracked down cover nearby.

NATO and Clean pioneers say the rocket was probably terminated by Ukraine in guard against a Russian assault.

Presently shaken Shafts dread for their future, and political analysts caution that the strike ought not be permitted to hurt relations with Ukraine, which have as of late developed nearer through Poland’s fortitude.

“There is dread, nervousness for what will happen the following evening or the following day,” resident Kinga Kancir said.

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At the point when Russia attacked Ukraine on Feb. 24, a large number of Posts dropped how they were making a difference. They got some much needed rest work and raced to the line to offer outsiders rides in their vehicles and spots in their homes. They remained exposed and served soup. Clean moms left child prams at a rail line station at the boundary for escaping Ukrainian moms they could never meet.

Individuals followed up on compassionate drive, however their liberality was likewise a cognizant commitment to the Ukrainian conflict exertion. By protecting Ukrainian ladies and youngsters, the Shafts guaranteed more men could battle Russian powers.

Poland has a long history of contention with Moscow.

Russia was one of the three powers that separated Poland in the eighteenth 100 years and — together with Austria and Prussia — eradicated it from Europe’s guides for over 100 years, mercilessly stifling drives for opportunity. After The Second Great War, Poland was a reluctant piece of the East Coalition and stayed under Moscow’s mastery for north of forty years, until the Poles calmly overturned the socialist government.


In their ongoing fortitude with Ukraine, many Shafts set to the side verifiable complaints established in ethnic clash, including persecution of Ukrainians by Posts and a severe slaughter by Ukrainians of exactly 100,000 Posts during The Second Great War in districts not a long way from Przewodow.

The Clean government offered impermanent facilities and monetary guide to evacuees and gave cash to Posts who housed them. The exiles likewise get admittance to free state clinical consideration, school for their kids and help securing positions.

The conflict changed a ton for Poland as well. It caused the world to notice Warsaw, where top pioneers including U.S. President Joe Biden came to show their help for Ukraine and for Poland’s guide endeavors.

The contention has reinforced Poland’s binds with its NATO partners, particularly with the U.S., which sent a huge number of troops to southeast Poland, near the Ukrainian boundary, as Poland turned into a course for weapons sent from the West to Ukraine. The world’s helpful and clinical endeavors additionally go through Poland.



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